The story is very fast past and exciting! So far, there has not been a slow moment! The characters are mostly decent, with a few exceptions. (No spoilers on my in depth thoughts until the review!) I love this world that Michael Grant has created and the real life feel you get while reading it, very relatable. There is a double story going on as well. A small story is running about 1 every 20 pages, flipping between two settings. There is no explanation to what is going on with the second story, but for some reason I get the feel like it happened in the past. I could be wrong though..I probably am.
Overall I am really loving this book! The only thing is I LOVE the UK cover SO much more! I think the US one is quite corny :/ I dont like being told what my characters look like on the cover.
Has anyone read this? If so , what do you think!?
Havn't read it but I heard it was really good!